Install Git

Git is a free distributed version control system. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service, a place to store and sync your work in the cloud–your Jekyll and GitHub Pages projects will be under Git version control, so you need the software on your machine.

  • Windows: install Git for Windows using the default options. This will give you Git, Git Bash, and Git GUI. Git Bash is a great terminal that lets you use UNIX style commands on Windows.
  • Mac: check if Git is already installed by opening terminal and typing git --version. If you do not have it, download the official Mac installer.
  • Linux: install from your distribution’s software center or package manager (for Ubuntu sudo apt-get install git).

If you are interested in using a visual GUI application integrated with GitHub, Windows and Mac users should also install GitHub Desktop using the default options. You can install GitHub Desktop in addition to other versions of Git.

There are other GUI apps available for managing and visualizing Git repositories, including Linux options.


Windows  Linux  Mac  GUI